Vienna After Dark

NIGHT(S)-Science: Call for Abstracts

Deadline for submission: September 8th, 2024

NIGHT(S)-Science: Call for Abstracts (PDF Download)

About NIGHTS @ Vienna After Dark Conference

For the first time, the European NIGHTS conference for urban leisure activities, particularly those at night, is joining the conference Vienna After Dark. Following events in Padua, Brussels, Berlin, and Zurich, the story will continue from the14th to the 16th of November 2024 in Vienna, Austria.

All those involved in leisure, nightlife, and festival culture, whether independently or as representatives of industry, academia, politics, culture, administration, health, harm reduction, and awareness initiatives are invited to take part. The Vienna After Dark Conference is the ideal platform for international networking and exchange, with over 400 participants from across Europe.

Date: 14.11.2024 until 16.11.2024
Place: Club U, Sass Music Club, der Salon im Künstlerhaus, Stadtkino, more tba.

About NIGHT(S)-Science

NIGHT(S)-Science aims to promote know-how transfer between academia and the private and public sector. NIGHT(S)-Science seeks to bring closer together research and practice. Submitted abstracts will be double blind peer-reviewed by our international scientific committee.

Scientific Committee

Abstract Requirements

Possible Topics of Interest

Nightlife & Wellbeing ⋅ Prevention ⋅ Harm Reduction ⋅ Drug Policy ⋅ Accessibility ⋅Safety and Security ⋅ Gender and Sexuality ⋅ History(ies) of Nightlife ⋅ Nightlife and Youth Culture ⋅ Art and Aesthetics in Nightlife ⋅ Nightlife and Cultural Heritage ⋅Ethnography of Nightlife Spaces (formal/informal) ⋅ City Planning & Architecture for the Night ⋅ Economic and Tourism Insights and Perspectives ⋅ Legal and Regulatory Frameworks for Nightlife ⋅ Ecological Transition of the Nightlife Industry⋅ Technological Innovations in Nightlife

Deadline for submission: 08.09.2024
Notification of decision:
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Additional information for the selected contributors