Panel Talk, Keynote(s) co-curated by Nights
Trends on the Drug Market: Facts and Figures12:30–14:00
90 min
Global SMART Forensics Programm / UNODC Early Warning Advisory on NPS
Vienna, Austria
Sabrina Levissianos is an Associate Drug Control Officer at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) where she works for the Global SMART Forensics Programme. The Global SMART Forensics Programme main goal is to provide science-led forensic capacity building on drugs to member states worldwide, from drug detection, through analysis of and early warning on emerging drug-related threats, to safe disposal of seized drugs and chemicals. She has been serving the United Nations since 2011, contributing substantially to various research products and she is actively involved in maintaining and further developing the UNODC Early Warning Advisory on NPS.
Panel Talk, Keynote(s) co-curated by Nights
Trends on the Drug Market: Facts and Figures12:30–14:00
90 min