Panel Talk
Politisches Forum für Clubkultur12:00–13:00
60 min
Club U (upstairs)
Vienna, Austria
Nadine Abena Cobbina is a distinguished Viennese cultural producer, moderator, speaker, content creator, and communication specialist with a multifaceted skill set. Her professional journey commenced at Radio FM4, where she cultivated her expertise by hosting her column focused on nightlife and electronic music, on FM4 (written & on Air) and later on at derStandard (newspaper) platforms.
Concurrently, she demonstrated her adeptness in event moderation, notably at prestigious gatherings such as the Diagonale-Österreichisches Filmfestival premieres in 2022 and 2023. Followed by curating 2 years at „Kultursommer Wien Festival“,
In addition to her radio and event hosting endeavours, Nadine has showcased her versatility by curating engaging content across various social media platforms and applications, crafting insightful blog entries, and devising innovative communication strategies.
Notably, she has established a reputation for fostering inclusive and enriching environments within nightlife through her acclaimed event series "GAZE," which prioritizes quality music and promotes safer spaces.
Nadine's talents extend beyond traditional communication roles; she is equally adept at captivating audiences through stage, screen or radio performances and showcasing her musical prowess as a DJ or fitting outfits for theatre productions.
Her proficiency is in tailoring communication to diverse audiences, adeptly addressing their specific needs and ensuring comfort and engagement.
As a moderator, speaker, performer, writer, or host she tries to connect and leaves a lasting impact.
für Marktkommunikation & Werbung
& für Community Building, Content Creation & Kommunikation
01/2019 – 2023: Selbstständige
Strategin für Community Building & Content Management, Content-Marketing/ Social Media Managerin, PR-Mensch, Moderatorin, Event—Promoterin, Veranstalterin, Sprecherin & freie Autorin, Performerin & DJ, Aktivistin
Nadine’s Kompetenzen liegen in den Künsten der Kommunikation, die zur Kenntnis einer kollektiven Wahrnehmung führen. Sie tritt über Wort und Schrift, den Körper, Bilder, Darstellung und Musik ein. Dabei widmet sie sich sozialpolitisch-, utopischen, anti-rassistischen, feministischen, kunstkulturellen, oder nachhaltigen Themen.
Ob beim Radio, als Zeitungs-Kolumnistin, Perfromerin, DJ, Awareness-Konzeptionistin, oder Theater Ausstatterin widmet sie sich dem Ausdruck und den Projekten, die erzählt gehören.
Immer direkt, immer perspektiven erweiternd, immer intersektional.
Panel Talk
Politisches Forum für Clubkultur12:00–13:00
60 min
Club U (upstairs)