Vienna After Dark 14.–16. November 2024

Guy Jones


The Loop

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Photo by Guy Jones

Guy Jones first volunteered with Psycare UK 12 years ago, providing welfare at festivals. He was immediately intrigued by the conundrum of helping people reduce risk by helping them understand what was in their drugs, a "problem" which technology could already solve but cannot due to the constraints of the black market.

Since then he has founded Reagent Tests UK, manufacturing home drug identification tests and become deeply involved with The Loop Drug Checking Service, a charity in the UK.

Through his work he strives to make drug checking more accessible and easier to offer, often through a technology-led approach. His inventions, "Mass Loss Analysis" and solid home reagent tests address specific challenges faced by services and service users and are finding increasing use around the world.

Thursday, 14.11.