Vienna After Dark

Cristiana Vale Pires


Kosmicare and Catholic University of Portugal - CEDH

Porto, Portugal

Cristiana Vale Pires graduated in psychology with an MSc and PhD in Anthropology and has worked in the drug field since 2009. She has experience as a psychologist, harm reduction practitioner, and manager in projects working with people who use drugs, sex workers, people who have experienced gender-based violence (GBV), and chemsex practitioners. She has also developed research studies regarding the experiences of people who use drugs in nightlife environments, GBV, gender stereotypes, drug stigma, and gender double standards in the drug field, city-level drug policies, and harm reduction responsiveness in crisis contexts. She is a founding member of the NGO Kosmicare, a lecturer at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the Catholic University of Portugal, and a researcher at the Research Center for Human Development. She is also a member of the European Group on Gender and Drugs.

Thursday, 14.11.