Keynote(s), Panel Talk
Aesthetics of Club Culture15:00–16:30
90 min
Club U (downstairs)
University of Applied Arts
Vienna, Austria
Brigitte Felderer, curator, head of department “Social Design-Arts as Urban Innovation” at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Her projects focus on themes within the field of cultural history and technology and have been shown internationally. In her projects as well as in her teaching, Brigitte Felderer pursues trans-disciplinary and cross-topic questions, deals with the culture of everyday life and explores the manifold connections between science and art movements, popular and high cultures. Her research interests are focusing on topics and tactics of societal empowerment as well as on the emancipatory potentials of design and art.
Among her last projects is the exhibition “The Fest. Between Representation and Revolt”, shown at MAK-Museum of Applied Arts 2022/23.
She is also holding the function of a Vice-Rector for Student and Academic Affairs and Diversity at Angewandte.
Keynote(s), Panel Talk
Aesthetics of Club Culture15:00–16:30
90 min
Club U (downstairs)